Complaints Policy


At Poseidon Group, we are dedicated to providing a positive experience and positive outcome for all our interactions. On occasions where this is not the case, we want to discuss your experience. Your feedback provides us an opportunity to improve, and we thank you in advance for taking the time to share with us.

We hope that in most instances, problems can be resolved by the local Poseidon Group office you have been working with. With every instance of feedback, we will always get back to you and take action where appropriate. If you have shared feedback with your local Office Manager but are not satisfied with the response, then the complaint will be raised to our Customer Service Team for further investigation.

The Complaints Process

When you register a complaint, it is important you provide us with all the facts regarding your problem, including details of people you have already spoken to so we are able to conduct a full investigation.

When we receive details of your problem we undertake to:

  • Deal with your problem fairly, confidentially and effectively
  • Acknowledge your problem within three working days and provide a likely timescale for investigation
  • Fully investigate your comments and keep you regularly informed of the actions we are taking

If you feel that Poseidon Group are unable to provide a fair and satisfactory resolution, we are happy to direct you to the relevant governing body for further advice, such as:

  1. ACAS Telephone: 0300 123 1100  –  Webiste:
  2. Information Commissioners Office (ICO) – Telephone: 0303 123 1113   –  Website: 
  3. OFSTED – Telephone: 0300 123 1231  –  Website:  
  4. GLAA – Telephone: 0800 432 0804  –  Website:
  5. CQC – Telephone: 03000 616161  –  Website:

Escalate a complaint

Complaint procedure: how to register a complaint

Step 1

If your complaint concerns the service you have received from a local Poseidon Group office, please contact the local Office Manager to discuss your experience. It is important that the local Office Management Team are made aware of your concerns and are given the opportunity to rectify the problem.

Step 2

If you have already discussed your complaint with the local office and are not satisfied with the response that you have received, please complete the form below for our Customer Service Team to investigate on your behalf:

Complaints Form

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